After opening 2NT bid, 3S is one of three types of minor suit try: -- Both minors, 5-5 -- Single suit clubs -- Single suit diamonds If opener has no 4-card minor, or poor hand/controls, they bid 3NT. Responder continues: 4C -- single suited slam try, clubs opener continues: 4D -- key card 4H,4S -- cues 4N -- suggestion to play, either poor trumps or poor controls. 5C -- cue in D 4D -- single suited slam try, diamonds opener continues: 4H -- key card 4S,5C -- cues 4N -- suggestion to play, either poor trumps or poor controls. 5D -- cue in H 4H -- 5-5 minors, singleton H, opener continues: 4S -- slam hand in either 4N -- suggestion to play Can bid game, slam, or cue 4S -- 5-5 minors, singleton S opener continues: 4N -- suggestion to play Can bid game, slam, or cue 5C -- long C suit, not greatly slammish but 7+ cards 5D -- long D suit, not greatly slammish but 7+ cards If opener has 4-card minor and good controls, they bid the minor (C with both). 4C -- opener has good hand, 4 clubs Responder continues: 4D -- key card 4H -- singleton with clubs 4S -- singleton with clubs 4N -- one suit, diamonds, willing to play 4NT 5C -- club one suiter, no shortness and can't make slam bid 5D -- diamonds, one suit, not willing to play 4NT 4D -- opener has good hand, 4 diamonds Responder continues: 4H -- key card 4S -- one suit, clubs, slammish 4N -- one suit, clubs, willing to play 4NT 5C -- club one suiter, not willing to play 4NT 5D -- diamond support, not real good hand